Installing a stone veneer backsplash

Rohinton Gatta

Rohinton Gatta


A stone veneer can add an elegant rustic look to your space. It’s a little more time intensive than a tile backsplash but well worth the investment for the longevity and durability of the product.

Make note of any specific manufacturer’s installation instructions prior to beginning. They may require a specific adhesive, spacing or grout instructions.

Measure your space
Get a proper measurement of how many square feet you’ll need to cover. Buy extra as you will waste some cutting to fit in areas.

Be Safe
Turn off your breaker and remove any electrical plates. You many need to at plate extenders you your electrical boxes. These can be found at any hardware store.

Prep your space. Ensure you’re working on a smooth clean surface. Remove existing tile, wall paper and sand rough patches.

Dry fit
You can dry fit your stone on the floor before installing on the wall. This will save time and ensure a proper fit and spacing.  Mix the stones in the batch for even colour distribution and try to avoid harsh seams.

Mark your wall
Mark the first row of veneer to be installed This is especially crucial if you need to cut your first row because the countertop is not level.

Start applying
Apply manufacueres recommended adhesive to the back of the stone. And place your first row. Ensure that it is level. If you’re leaving space to grout use a spacer between stones otherwise place them tight to each other.

Continue this method staggering joints as you go until you have covered the whole area. Make cut where needed by measuring and marking stones for a tight fit. If you are grouting the seams for a bricked look you will do this once all the stone is applied and set to the wall. Grout the seams using a small trowel and wipe away any excess.

Stone veneer adds an elegant rustic look to your cooking space and is a great way to protect your kitchen walls from heat or spills.

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