Insulate your investment

Rohinton Gatta

Rohinton Gatta


It may not be the most glamorous investment but it is one of the smartest. Adding additional insulation to your home not only increases comfort but saves on energy costs.

R-Value describes how effective the insulation is at stopping the conductive flow of heat. The recommended R-value for attic insulation in Ontario is between R-50 and R-60.

Different insulations have a different value per thickness.

Loose-fill Cellulose 3.1 – 3.8
Loose-fill Fiberglass 2.2 – 2.9
Loose-fill Stone Wool 2.2 – 3.3
Fiberglass Batting 2.9 – 3.8
Stone Wool Batting 3.3 – 4.2
Polyurethane Foam 5.6 – 8.0
Cementiotious Foam 2.0 – 3.9

When deciding where to spend your renovation dollars adding insulation is one of the smartest investments. It lowers energy costs, decreases sound pollution, increases comfort, prevents moisture condensation and maximizes ROI.

Easy spots in your home to add insulation too are the attic, exterior foundation walls (in an unfinished basement. Also look at increasing your R-value anytime you’re doing a renovation.

More insulation will help you have a comfortable, quiet and energy efficient home.

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